We are interested in the perception of sports-related concussion. You will be asked questions about your recent sport injuries, including concussion, and how you feel
Mareen Weber & Martin Edwards
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
June 23rd 2008 - August 23rd 2008
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An online questionnaire using standardised measures to investigate potential predictors of functioning and wellbeing in people living with chronic pain.
Rosemary Fish & Brian McGuire
National University of Ireland, Galway
May 15th 2008 - July 15th 2008
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A study looking at how anxiety is related to weight loss behaviors. You will be asked to answer questions about your mood, social anxiety, body
Natania Wright, Charles Swencionis, Judith Wylie-Rosett, Carmen Isasi
Yeshiva University
April 9th 2008 - June 9th 2008
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You are invited to participate in a research study. The purpose of this study is to gain information about the sexual attitudes and sexual experiences
Marta Meana, Ph.D., Lorraine Benuto, M.A.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
April 2nd 2008 - June 2nd 2008
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You are invited to participate in a research study. The purpose of this study is to gain information about how people from different cultures adapt
Marta Meana, Lorraine Benuto
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
April 2nd 2008 - June 2nd 2008
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This survey was developed to explore possible correlations between processes of gay identity formation and the sexual behavior of adult gay males.
Stuart Waterman
Sarah Lawrence College
March 31st 2008 - May 31st 2008
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Experiment about peoples' understanding of probability
Adrien Barton, Nils Straubinger, & Uwe Czienskowski
Max Planck Institut for Human Development
February 27th 2008 - April 27th 2008
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InkGlob.com provides a fun ongoing interactive environment for viewing an image and then discussion. InkGlobs are fun is the ongoing theme.
February 23rd 2008 - April 23rd 2008
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The experiment involves identifying your personal strengths using an online questionnaire, and then using some of these strengths in new and different ways for one
Warren Davies
University of East London
February 19th 2008 - April 19th 2008
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Web survey assessing how individuals' perceptions of organizational fairness influences their behaviors at work.
Erin C. Gallagher
University of Nebraska at Omaha
February 12th 2008 - April 12th 2008
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