A 5 minute vignette study about emotions' roles in decision-making.

Cristina Moya


April 20th 2006 - June 20th 2006

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Sind Sie ein Teammitglied? Erfassen Sie oder Ihre Teamkollegen mit HEI-TRI Ihr persönliches Teamprofil. Teamrollen gelten als Erfolgsfaktor bei der Teamarbeit. Doch welche Teamrollen sind

Matthias Blümke

Universität Heidelberg

April 11th 2006 - June 11th 2006

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Deutsche Online-Umfrage der Arbeitsgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie an der IUB zur Wahrnehmung des Themas Vogelgrippe. Bearbeitungszeit: ca. 10 Minuten.

Britta Renner

International University Bremen (IUB)

March 27th 2006 - May 27th 2006

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The purpose of this research project is to study the influence of past family experiences, including divorce, parenting, and conflict between parents, on male young

Laura Young

University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada

March 24th 2006 - May 24th 2006

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A survey will be deployed to determine if a cyber-stalking event has actually occurred and the effects perceived by the victim.

Joel Martinez

Chicago School of Professional Psychology

March 22nd 2006 - May 22nd 2006

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You'll watch a brief (1- to 2-minute) video depicting examples of human behaviour, then complete a brief demographic questionnaire (age, gender, geographical loacale, etc.), then

Stephen Lindsay and Elizabeth Brimacombe

University of Victoria, Canada

February 22nd 2006 - April 22nd 2006

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Wir interessieren uns dafür, wie Menschen Ihre tagtägliche Arbeit sehen: Wie zufrieden sind Sie mit Ihrer Arbeit? Wie erleben Sie bestimmte Situationen, z.B. ein Gespräch

Joachim Schroer

Universität Würzburg

January 3rd 2006 - March 3rd 2006

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We've been hearing a lot about the ways in which the government and corporations monitor citizens and consumers. This survey takes a look at the

Mark Andrejevic

University of Iowa

December 18th 2005 - February 18th 2005

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This research project is conducted in the field of behavioural accounting. Behavioural accounting studies investigate relationships between human behaviour and control systems in organisations. Both

Marten Albers

Tilburg University, The Netherlands

October 12th 2005 - December 12th 2005

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Im Rahmen einer Doktorarbeit wird untersucht, wie verschiedene Finanzprodukte bzw. Anlageformen beurteilt werden. Dabei interessiert mich vor allem die Sicht der (unerfahrenen) Privatanleger. Nehmen Sie

Katharina Sachse

TU Berlin

August 24th 2005 - October 24th 2005

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