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We've been hearing a lot about the ways in which the government and corporations monitor citizens and consumers. This survey takes a look at the way in which we're using new technologies to keep track of each other. Before completing the survey, please read the information below. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. The entire survey should take you approximately 15 minutes or so to complete. Your answers will not be linked to your identity or to your email address in any way. Only the researchers will see the answers you provide. There will be no personal benefit to participating in this study. There are no known risks associated with completion of this survey. If you feel uncomfortable with a particular question, you are free not to answer it. All information in this survey will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law. However, federal government regulatory agencies and the University of Iowa Institutional Review Board (a committee that reviews and approves research studies) may inspect and copy records pertaining to this research study. No personal identifying information will be linked with your survey responses. By answering in the affirmative to the first question of the survey, you are consenting to let us use the information in our research project.

Web Survey

University of Iowa

Mark Andrejevic

December 18th 2005 - February 18th 2005