Can you figure out the meanings of new words?

Joshua K. Hartshorne

Harvard University

October 10th 2008 - December 10th 2008

archived 🗄

We are looking at dream content and how it reflects an individual's political beliefs. There are two short sections to the study: a political survey

Lesa Ryan & Tara White

Indiana University Southeast

October 9th 2008 - December 9th 2008

archived 🗄

In unserem Experiment möchten wir den Teilnehmers Fragen stellen zu den Kandidaten für das Präsidentenamt und zu Ihrer allgemeinen Wahrnehmung der Wahl. Wir interessieren uns

Hartmut Blank, Steffen Nestler

University of Portsmouth, University of Leipzig

September 30th 2008 - November 6th 2008

archived 🗄

In our internet experiment, we would like to ask several questions about the candidates and about general perceptions of the election. In particular, we are

Hartmut Blank, Steffen Nestler

University of Portsmouth, University of Leipzig

September 30th 2008 - November 30th 2008

archived 🗄

Current research on dating violence has established that victimization by dating violence is a major social problem accross college campuses. Victimization by dating violence exists

Kathleen Kline, Matthew Geyer

Walden University

September 27th 2008 - November 27th 2008

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This study looks at how performance on various psychological tests predicts work and other performance. The experiemntal tests are fun and easy and most of

Chris Jackson

University of New South Wales, Australia

September 24th 2008 - November 24th 2008

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In this study you design your ideal mate and report on your personal relationship history. The survey takes 5-10 minutes.

April Bleske-Rechek, Bailey Vandenheuvel

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

September 24th 2008 - November 24th 2008

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Study by a final year student, looking for people to take part in an online study investigating social interactions in gamers and non-gamers. Both for

Harriet Waugh

Heriot Watt University, Scotland

September 20th 2008 - November 20th 2008

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In this experiment you play a strategy and simulation game called "Hortus". The game is of the same genre (but more simplified) as Sim

Franziska Spring

Educational Engineering Lab, University of Zurich

September 16th 2008 - November 16th 2008

archived 🗄

This study investigates how peoples sexual views and experiences may change over time. The study involves completing two questionnaires  one now, and one in

Erica Hepper and Kathy Carnelley

University of Southampton, UK

September 15th 2008 - November 15th 2008

archived 🗄