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Current research on dating violence has established that victimization by dating violence is a major social problem accross college campuses. Victimization by dating violence exists regardless of a student's gender or sexual orientation. Many victimized by dating violence experience consequences ranging from physical injury to enduring psychological trauma and even death. A link between attachment style and help-seeking behavior among individuals seeking help for various medical and psychiatric/psychological problems has led to the development of innovative interventions designed to assist those who would not otherwise seek help. The purpose of the study is to examine differences in type of violence experienced, attachment style and help-seeking behavior or type of help sought among both male and female victims of dating violence in both heterosexual and same-sex dating relationships among college students to further research in this area which could lead to the development of effective screening protocols and interventions specifically designed to assist victims of dating violence regardless of gender or sexual orientation who might not otherwise seek help. This web-based, online, completely anonymous and confidential survey is hosted on a secured, password protected, encrypted survey service site, The Walden University Institutional Review Board has granted approval to conduct this study.

Web Survey

Walden University

Kathleen Kline, Matthew Geyer

September 27th 2008 - November 27th 2008