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The University of Cambridge is looking for UK-based Christians of all types to take part in an online study investigating the way in which religious variables relate to one another. Volunteers who complete the study will receive a £10 electronic voucher for To see if you are eligible for that study (which, if you are a UK-based Christian aged 18+, you almost certainly are) you would first need to join the participant panel. That involves completing a short questionnaire (5-10 minutes) at the link listed above ( The participant panel manager will then get in touch with everyone who is eligible and invite them to do the £10 online study. You would be free to withdraw at any time without explanation, and all your responses will be anonymised. If you have any questions about what it would involve, feel free to ask Kirsten at or on 01223 741158.

Web Survey

University of Cambridge

Nicholas J. S. Gibson

August 12th 2008 - October 12th 2008