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Purpose: We are interested in examining the relationship between sexuality and social behaviours associated with autism. As a participant in this study, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire. Participation should not take longer than about 30 to 45 minutes. You will be asked a number of demographic questions about your age, gender, ethnic background, and psychiatric history (if any). You will also be asked questions about behaviours that can be used by us to assess whether or not you may be classified as a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Then you will be asked about your understanding about sexual terms and you will be asked questions about the types of sexual experiences you have had. Finally, you will be asked about your sexual desires and about your opinions about your own sexuality. Who is invited to participate in this research? We hope to collect data from about 1000 subjects, both those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, their family members, and members of the general population. Participants must have a sufficiently high level of verbal function to understand language comparable to what is used in this research description. Subjects must be legally classified as an adult (i.e. not a minor) and must be legally emancipated (i.e. must not have a legal guardian) to be eligible to participate in this research project.

Web Survey

Department of Psychology, Grant MacEwan College, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

Melike Schalomon and Laura Gilmour

January 12th 2009 - March 12th 2009